Thursday, March 11, 2021

Wild Garden project

I am fortunate to have a rather large back garden which has and continues to provide me with a lovely view of the changing seasons and various forms of wildlife.  Visitors to the garden are primarily various variety of bees and birds and less often cats, hedgehogs, foxes, and ducks.  Last year I planted six lavender bushes and the bees thronged to them.  This spring I have allocated a section of the garden to become a wild garden.  Today the seed packs for a variety of wildflowers arrived.  The garden will also feature a ‘bee hotel’.  

We are part of nature and it is good to recognise this and our moods, feelings, and bodies in general as we move through the various seasons.  Sometimes our bodies do not adjust smoothly as seasons change and this is where an acupuncture treatment in each season can be greatly beneficial.  The Chinese recognised 5 seasons, Winter, Spring, summer, Late Summer, and Autumn.  The one that most people have not heard of is the Late summer.  This is time of year when the harvest takes place, typically late August into September.

The season(s) that you might favour more than others is significant.  In balance and harmony, we feel at ease in all the seasons.  As without, so within.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

What an interesting collection of elements we are

Did you know that from a western scientific understanding we are in fact composed of fifty-nine elements (not to be confused with the Chinese 5 Elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal).  99.1 per cent of us is carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. We also have inside us modest amounts of amongst other elements tin and copper!  The biggest component in any human, filling 61 per cent of available space, is oxygen.  From a scientific point of view of the 59 elements found within us, 24 are traditionally known as 'essential elements'.  

I am in fact in awe when I think that the ancient Chinese discovered that 5 'essential' Elements can manage all of these 59 elements and be utilised to keep us healthy in body, mind and spirit.